Product Page
Keep in mind these models can be altered, combined, or customised to your needs.
Noise Removal
Noise Removal removes noise and enhances voice clarity. Made to ensure efficient digital audio communication. It can be integrated and embedded in microphones on devices or software, and acts as a sound filter in real-time.
Busy construction site

Echo Removal
Room echo, or reverb, can make speech hard to interpret. Our echo removal model has won blind tests as being best in class. Integrate it in your video conferencing software for clear communication and better user experience.
Garage reverb

Stem Separation
Our AI-model that alters music while it’s playing. No pre-loading. Adjust the volume of vocals, piano, bass and drums - or remove them completely. Made for music software and hardware. With HANCE embedded your customers can enjoy the creative possibilities of instant Stem Separation.
Stem separation